Borrowed from an industry website…the fun facts below really do statistically reinforce the power of the promotional product and how it can impact and elevate both your brand and your customer experience. Particularly in the blood industry, where budgets can direct virtually every decision, the lasting effect of promotional advertising is a way to maximize donor recruitment and minimize spending. The FCI Promos team has more than 30 years of combined blood banking experience, and we will work with you to develop cost effective, goal driven, targeted marketing campaigns that will take your brand awareness to the next level utilizing promotional products, collateral materials, and communication strategies focused on donor frequency and retention.
- Eight in 10 people own between one and 10 promotional products.
- 53 percent of these people use a promotional product at least once a week.
- Six in 10 of them keep promotional products for up to two years.
- Only one in five people will trash an unwanted promotional product.
- Before receiving a promotional product, 55 percent of people had done business with the company. After receiving a promotional product, 85 percent of people did business with the company.
- 31percent of U.S. consumers own a promotional bag.
- The first known promotional products – commemorative buttons – trace back to 1789 when George Washington was elected president.
- 53 percent of the time, promotional products create a more favorable impression of the company.
- 48 percent of consumers would like to receive promotional products more often.
- 69 percent of consumers would pick up a promotional product if they deemed it useful.
- 63 percent of consumers pass along the promotional products they no longer wish to keep.
- 89 percent of consumers can recall the company of a promotional product they’d received in the last two years.
- 91 percent of consumers have at least one promotional product in their kitchen, 74 percent have at least one in their workspace, 55 percent have at least one in their bedroom.
- 77 percent of consumers say a promotional product’s usefulness is the number-one reason to keep it, with health and safety products, computer products and writing instruments ranked as the most useful.
- Wearables are the top product category, followed by writing instruments, bags, calendars and drinkware.
- T-shirts receive an average of 2253 impressions and are kept a minimum of 5 years.
- Women are more likely to have bags, writing instruments and calendars, whereas men are more likely to own shirts and caps.
- Ownership of logoed outerwear is highest in the Midwest, with 15 percent of people owning an item.
- Logoed mugs in particular are more effective advertising than radio and television spots; 57 percent of people were able to recall the advertiser on a mug, versus 32 percent of radio and 28 percent of T.V.
- Adding a promotional product to the media mix increases the effectiveness of other media by up to 44 percent.