Showing 61–80 of 387 results

After they have made their donations, give your donors the gift of a shirt that gives off good vibes. Celebrate relaxation with this fun, beach/waterfront shirt that allows your donors to sit back and enjoy the best of days…the blood donor daze.


Hero, Type O

Be bold. Be brave. Be a hero. This shirt shows the power of heroism that is in every Type O donor. Giving them the ability to be proud of their blood type opens up conversations for others to inquire about how they too can be a hero. After all, the world needs more heroes.

Turn up your relationship with your donors as you turn saving a life into one of the most rockin’ things they can do. While they are turning up the tunes, they can also be turning up the life-saving rate in their community as they rock on and give back. This shirt is great for high [...]

Everyone has a story and an agenda with each day. Some days are busier than others and some days there is room to be a hero. This shirt shares the story of the donors who take a moment of their time to save a life. The artwork displays “Type O” donor, but it can easily [...]


Color Drop

If you know, you know. And Pink Floyd fans know that this shirt is a play off of the iconic Prism, but with a lifesaving twist. No text is necessary as the art speaks for itself and shares a moment of musical and lifesaving genius.

We all know that Type O donors are special. What they give to the world is the gift of life to many blood types, allowing life saving measures to be administered in a quick moment. Type O donors are the true heroes and there is no hero without the O.

Every donation matters. Every donation saves a life. All donors should be able to share their lifesaving acts of kindness with others, and this shirt also encourages others to make the decision to give blood too.


Kind Donor

When you make the decision to be a lifesaver, a hero, or a giver, you are are showing your most kind self. Your donors will love this simple, yet powerful t-shirt that shows exactly how they showed kindness to others.

For the outdoorsy person or the nature lover, there is nothing sweeter than seeing a deer in the wild. Be a deer. Give blood.

Saving lives is always the right thing to do. This hip and trendy graphic tee will be a favorite with your donors.


Kind Donor

Donors may be funny, smart, creative, handy...the list goes on and on. But at the end of the day, donors are kind. Spread more kindness by sharing this bold-text shirt with yours.

Every donor has their "why"? A person, an event, a reason. But for many, it is is just the idea of saving a life. This simple, attention-grabbing t-shirt is a conversation starter.


Hero Mode: ON

Everyone has a hero mode. Remind your donors that when they donate blood or platelets, they are automatically considered a hero. Selfless. Awesome. Hero.


Good Vibe Tribe

Find your tribe. Blood donors bring good vibes. And this shirt brings good people with good vibes together, all because of their awesomeness of being a blood donor.


Giving Is Good

Repetitive text is super trendy right now. And what better message to repeat over and over again, but the reminder that giving is good.


Give Blood Love

Read between the lines. When you give blood, you give love. This t-shirt is a simple and powerful message for your donors.

People donate blood to make everything ok- to help others, to save lives and to do the right thing. Everything WILL truly be ok, as long as we have blood donors.

This trendy and simple graphic tee will be a favorite with your donors as it accentuates the importance of being a true hero by giving blood.

You won't only find gnomes in gardens, you will find them walking the streets with their gnomies, celebrating their life-saving donations. Be more like the gnomes.


Be Human Kind

There are so many ways to simply be a good human, but to give blood means to be human kind. A clean and simple t-shirt with a powerful message.